Our Origin Story

The Beginning

We are college friends who used to workout at the gym together regularly.  Our senior year we decided to go for a run. Neither being runners at the time, we set out on a 5k. Bad planning, poor directions, and a few wrong turns led us to run more than we should. Sometimes life has a funny way of foreshadowing. 


Like most dads out there, my dad had his sayings that still make us laugh. For instance, when carrying in all the groceries from the car at once he would say, “Always carry more than you should!” What he meant to say was, there is an amount you should carry, what you and other people would expect, now carry more than that!  But that’s how he lived, whether it be in his work, running his own business, art, education or fitness.  It was a cheeky joke that played out in his personal drive to be the best version of himself.  

My wife, a runner, bought me my first pair of running shoes for father’s day. This was her way of encouraging me into the sport.  That summer I ran my first 10km race in our town.  That fall my wife and her running buddy were running a 30km and asked if I would want to run it with them, but maybe the lesser distance option.  Not knowing anything about running, I said I would do the 30km with them.  After sustaining various running injuries I pushed through a training plan.  The race was 30km through the winding trails of the Cierras Chicas of Cordoba, Argentina.  After the race, I asked my wife and her friend, “when’s the next one, how about a 50km?!”  They thought I was crazy, and they were right.  There was a competitive part of me that was awakened, my wife calls it “beast mode,” but the training and the challenge is what got me excited.  But running wasn’t an escape, but a connection.  Running became a time to pray, set goals, think, plan, and rest.  “More Than You Should”  then became my tag line, as I push to be the best version of myself too. 


Years ago, a work friend and I were bored, over ambitious, and looking for a challenge. We mapped out a 13.1 mile trail run, 50 mile bike, and an 80 mile canoe adventure race and gave ourselves a week to prepare (yes alarms should have gone off). We managed to complete the run and bike sections but bailed on the river section due to inclemate weather that had kicked up. The decision to bail likely saved our exhausted and in over our head young lives. However, our decision to start in the first place allowed us to grow by persevering through pain, laughing along the way, and having an epic story to share with others. We did more than you should that day and the unfinished business has kept me dreaming and chasing for more ever since. 

As I entered my 30’s running became more than just a means to an end.  It was a really hard season of life in which I was overworked, stressed out, and had no idea what to do about it.  Running became therapy.  Every step was de-stressing, every mile joy giving.  Trails became a sanctuary of connection and hope, a place to plan, pray, and grow.  It was no longer just fat burning cardio with race rewards.  Running became healing and sustaining.  And I’ve continued to lean into the journey.  My first half led to my first marathon, which led to my first Olympic Triathlon (and learning how to actually “swim”), which ultimately led to more trails and ultras.  I no longer run to prove anything.  I run because I can.  And my wife says it makes me a better human!

More Than You Should 

Over the years, we (Steve & Jason) would share stories of training, suffering, and persevering towards our ever evolving running and fitness goals. We laughed at our blunders and lack of knowledge. We aren’t professionals and the learning curve can be steep at times. Yet, the bonds forged through our mutual experience of getting after it were life giving.  

Upon moving back to the states I (Steve) started working with a friend of mine who is a running coach in Argentina.  I saw my times go down, endurance and confidence in running go up.  When I started posting more of my runs on IG is when I changed my account name to “run more than you should.”  The idea of a business came about from the idea that this mantra of “more than you should” is a simple way to encourage anyone in whatever goal they are pursuing.  For me it was in the middle of an intense nursing program, not just wanting to survive, but to run, grow, and excel.

In 2020, Steve shared his dream about this business and it instantly resonated with Jason.  Steve & Becky met with Jason & Tami as couples, prayed over the partnership, and launched “More Than You Should” in 2021.  

May we forever help you Go Further, Laugh More, and Dream Big.  No matter the season or your reasons, lean into More Than You Should!  You’ve got this!  

Steve & Jason